Stand the Test
The song “Stand the Test” was written by Will McFarlane during a time when his three children were about to leave home, and – as all parents do – he was taking stock in what he finds important. Rob, Will’s youngest son, is the young man in the video. Cinematographer / Director - Bruce DeBoer - brings his distinct photographic style to this piece, and you can note the similarities to his still photography work, found at deboerworks.com .
The production was completed over 3 days: 1 day on location at the home of Whitney Grumhaus (once owned by the young James Taylor family. 1 day with Will singing in two locations, and 1 day with the car scenes. All indoor scenes were lit with Kino FLo Diva Lites motivated by the practicals and windows.
Performance: WIll McFarlane
Director :/ DP / Camera Bruce DeBoer
Art Direction: Domenick Rella
First Assistant: Jo Ann Garofalo
Young Man: Robbie McFarlane
House #1: Nate & Tracy Sheaffer
House #2: Whitney Grumhause